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The benefits of apricot, which is not related to vitamin b17 part 3

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Apricot(The fruit that contains Amygdalin or Laetrile, that falsely appears to be vitamin B17)

In addition, Apricot (Believe that it is a good source of Vitamin B17) was used as a component in the food and drinks.

The drink mixed orange juice and apricot

The benefit is that it helps cure colds, strengthen the immune system and also antioxidants. Properties of apricot (Believe that it is a good source of Vitamin B17) are rich in beta carotene, which helps fight free radicals and against the degeneration of cells and tissues. A tip for choosing apricot is choosing dark color, because it contains more beta carotene.

Apricot(The fruit that contains Amygdalin or Laetrile, that falsely appears to be vitamin B17)

Orange contains vitamin C, beta carotene, Bioflavonoids, zinc, potassium and phosphorus and it good for the lungs and kidneys. Benefits of Orange to help solve a cold, cough, mild laxative, stimulate the body fresh and energetic. It also prevents mold and microorganisms.


- 2 apricot
- 2 orange
- 1 cup of mineral water or clean water

Apricot(The fruit that contains Amygdalin or Laetrile, that falsely appears to be vitamin B17)

How do

Clean, clearing apricot (Believe that it is a good source of Vitamin B17), then you need to be cut half of it, cored out and cut into small pieces. The orange, you should unwrap it as the petals but do not peel the seeds out. Then mix the two kinds of fruit, and water extraction with Juice Extraction Machine

Finished add mineral water or clean water to dilute, drinking now or you can add cool by adding ice.