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Story of Amygdalin, Laetrile and vitamin B17 part 1

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Amygdalin has been extracted as a Laetrile (Fake name that vitamin B17)

          In 1830 Amygdalin be extracted the first. It is used to combat cancer in Russia in early 1845 and recorded that the U.S. uses this substance to treat cancer in the 1920s. Later it was discovered that there are to the too toxic to be dangerous.

Amygdalin has been extracted as a Laetrile (or that falsely appears to be vitamin B17)

         But 30 years later it was reported that some of amygdalin is synthesized into a substance called Laetrile (Fake name that Vitamin B17). It was patented in the United States. It is used to treat cancer as well as used as a supplement in the form of vitamin in 1970. This substance has been very popular. At that time there were reports that people in the United States than 70 000 treated with it. Which theory of Laetrile treatment is a cancer treatment using cyanide compounds mainly.