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Hunza with vitamin B17 part 2

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Hunza people

In August 1963, there are international medical conferences in field of Gerontology in Copenhagen, Denmark. In conference with more than 500 research reports and concluded that the average human lifespan to 120 years and may continue for up to 140 years or 150 years by the body does not decay or death due to illness (Not senile nor sick with diseases). It was out of breath itself because it died because of its natural cell death. This is the death of Hunza

Hunza people

These people are an example that we should recognize how living and behavior of interest is the food consumption. They do not eat meat as a staple food. Why Hunza people do not eat meat is the staple food. The answer is not meat in the place where they live. They have the opportunity to eat mountain goats meat only 1-2 times a year, which will be the annual ceremony such as a group of wedding that it is only once a year.

That is because those areas do not have enough grass to feed animals, even animals such as dogs and cats. The husbandry is very limited for these people. It must be permitted as an individual only.