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The benefits of apricot, which is not related to vitamin b17 part 3

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Apricot(The fruit that contains Amygdalin or Laetrile, that falsely appears to be vitamin B17)

In addition, Apricot (Believe that it is a good source of Vitamin B17) was used as a component in the food and drinks.

The drink mixed orange juice and apricot

The benefit is that it helps cure colds, strengthen the immune system and also antioxidants. Properties of apricot (Believe that it is a good source of Vitamin B17) are rich in beta carotene, which helps fight free radicals and against the degeneration of cells and tissues. A tip for choosing apricot is choosing dark color, because it contains more beta carotene.

Apricot(The fruit that contains Amygdalin or Laetrile, that falsely appears to be vitamin B17)

Orange contains vitamin C, beta carotene, Bioflavonoids, zinc, potassium and phosphorus and it good for the lungs and kidneys. Benefits of Orange to help solve a cold, cough, mild laxative, stimulate the body fresh and energetic. It also prevents mold and microorganisms.


- 2 apricot
- 2 orange
- 1 cup of mineral water or clean water

Apricot(The fruit that contains Amygdalin or Laetrile, that falsely appears to be vitamin B17)

How do

Clean, clearing apricot (Believe that it is a good source of Vitamin B17), then you need to be cut half of it, cored out and cut into small pieces. The orange, you should unwrap it as the petals but do not peel the seeds out. Then mix the two kinds of fruit, and water extraction with Juice Extraction Machine

Finished add mineral water or clean water to dilute, drinking now or you can add cool by adding ice.

The benefits of apricot, which is not related to vitamin b17 part 2

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products from Apricot(The fruit that contains Amygdalin or Laetrile, that falsely appears to be vitamin B17)
Apricots are used to produce a wide range of products.

Scrub products.

Apricots are rich in vitamin C and vitamin E (Will see that it does not have Vitamin B17). It helps to shed the skin cells and cleans deeply. There are also advertisements for related products from apricot scrub that it makes the skin smooth, help tighten pores including get rid of pimple and the skin moist.


Apricots are the dominant nutrient is a substance beta-carotene, not have Vitamin B17). Beta carotene to help resist degradation and wilting of cells and tissues more effectively, Beta carotene will have plenty in dark fruit. In addition, it create acids Malik which it can clean the small intestine.
products from Apricot(The fruit that contains Amygdalin or Laetrile, that falsely appears to be vitamin B17)
Mud mask with Apricot extracts.

It is rich in vitamin A which helps adjust condition and increase the flexibility of the skin. There are also advertisements for related products from Mud mask with Apricot extracts that it reduces fine lines wrinkles and help clean up the dirt that accumulates in the skin including the acceleration of new skin cells gently and firming skin firming is suitable for the skin dryness and wrinkles.

So, you will see that these products aren't mention to the vitamin B17.

The benefits of apricot, which is not related to vitamin b17 part 1

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Benefits of apricot, which is not related to vitamin b17

Apricot is a fruit yellow-orange, sweet and sour and a unique fragrance. It is both fresh and dry. When cooked by the heat will make it even sweeter, it is suitable for used to make jams, tarts, bakery, cakes, ice cream and sorbate.

How to prepare apricot to cook is take knife is cut in half vertically and twist it to remove the seeds out. It contains many nutrients such as vitamin A and C in large doses, no fatty acids, no cholesterol and low in fat, including it contains amygdalin (Laetrile or that falsely appears to be Vitamin B17).

Benefits of apricot, which is not related to vitamin b17

It has toxins that name is cyanide same amygdalin (Laetrile or vitamin B17)

This fruit is rich in beta carotene. This causes the body has a high vitamin A as well. It will make your eyes better visibility in the dark and the eyes do not deteriorate easily. Apricot seeds are popular because of its taste. However, eating large amounts can cause the formation of hydrogen cyanide (The toxins from Vitamin B17). This toxicity can be fatal and curing this fruit causing toxins that can cause toxins to stimulate the development of asthma.

Apricot seeds with Vitamin B17 part 1

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Apricot with Vitamin B17

Treatment of human cancers has been hundreds of years. There are reports of traditional Chinese medicine that they use seeds of bitter almonds, which has amount of Vitamin B17 (Laetrile) high for treatment of cancer for more than 3,000 years ago.

Laetrile is the name used to be called pure amygdalin. Apricot are rich in Vitamin B17, It can prevent and suppress tumor cells. The Eskimo tribes, Navajo and hunza, they often take B17 regularly. Thus they are not cancerous.

Apricot seeds with Vitamin B17

Yes or no, properties of vitamin B17's apricot seeds are very good for the body?

But actually it is not so. In fact, with apricot seeds from the above, it does not have any research or evidence to support the features of apricot seeds. And compounds derived from the seeds of apricots can be converted to cyanide. It is toxic to the body. Its toxicity may lead to coma and death in the end.


Apricot seeds with Vitamin B17 part 2

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Apricot with Vitamin B17

Amygdalin and apricot seeds are associated with some reason. To use the name Vitamin B17 of amygdalin(Laetrile ) is to avoid the legal and business interests. Industries associated with cancer treatment are worth to 200,000 million dollars. Manufacturer of modern medicine cannot be occupied the discovery of natural compounds such as

vitamin B17 because it was not approved by FDA.

Has been pushing for sales the raw apricot seeds or advertising about Vitamin B17 are illegal.

In contrast, many pharmaceutical companies in collaboration with some of the agencies pharmacists to try to push it to the FDA allow sales of raw apricot seeds or advertising that it has the ability to treat and anti-cancer, is illegal.

Apricot with Vitamin B17

We see that in today's there is no sale raw apricot seed at health food stores but only have dried form, which various enzymes have been destroyed already.

Hunza with vitamin B17 part 4

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Hunza people do not need vitamin B17

But above all else, there is link story of Thais with vitamin B17, Amygdalin and Laetrile. Amygdalin is a substance found in grains and seed fruits. Most Hunza people eat the fruit of the apicot (The fruit that contains Amygdalin or Laetrile that falsely appears to be vitamin B17) and plants. It is tied up to business interests and deception to sell products.

Hunza Women s Group

Hunza people do not need vitamin B17, this is what actually happened.

The pattern of life of these people is a good thing. It is a natural to life, which is beneficial to the body. They eat vegetables and fruit primarily and less meat. But above all, taking pattern of life Hunza people to used, you should learn from a reliable source of information and study it carefully. It would be beneficial to you absolutely.

Hunza with vitamin B17 part 3

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Hunza people

Hunza people eat the fresh fruits and vegetables per day, over one kilogram. It is the proportion of vegetables and fruit high, in particular, apicot (The fruit that contains amygdalin or Laetrile, which falsely appears to be vitamin B17), cherry, grape and plum.

They without electricity, there is not fuel, no gas, cooking is done sparingly, because firewood as fuel rarity of there.

Apricot(The fruit that contains Amygdalin or Laetrile, that falsely appears to be vitamin B17)

They do not have enough space to grow rice, glutinous rice. They have wheat to make bread only, but it is not too much and used goat milk to make yogurt. The consumption fresh fruit and vegetable has resulted in these people defecate 3-4 times a day average. It's natural detoxification very good.

Their lifestyles and consumption was 900 years ago. Note that it is natural food consumption. Foods of them focus on whole fruit, whole-grain and vegetables. This is very important. Men over the age of a hundred years, with healthy same they tend to consume vegetables and fruit is the staple food for many generations.